Eileen Frausto

About Me

I’m Eileen Frausto, a Board Certified Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP-BC) and the founder of Inspired Change Wellness. As a women in my 40’s, I know firsthand the importance of personalized care during the transition through perimenopause and menopause. This is why I founded Inspired Change Wellness in 2022 – to offer a Functional and Integrative approach to hormone balancing. Our focus is on addressing the root cause of your symptoms, providing personalized, efficient, and holistic care.

At Inspired Change Wellness, we prioritize personalized care and do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Your voice matters. At Inspired Change Wellness, we prioritize active listening and open communication. I take the time to truly hear your concerns and understand the challenges you’re facing. Together, we delve deeper to identify the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. This comprehensive approach ensures your treatment plan addresses the underlying issues for lasting results.

Our Services

Our commitment to a holistic approach shines through in the diverse services offered at Inspired Change Wellness. You can access tailored bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as well as targeted programs for weight loss, peptide therapy, and thyroid management. Beyond the standard hormone balancing approaches, Inspired Change Wellness takes a comprehensive stance. We recognize the significance of adrenal function and stress management, offering targeted support to address their impact on your hormonal landscape. And to elevate your journey to a new level, we incorporate specialized gut detox and rebalancing solutions, tailored to your individual needs.

Our Goal

While treating hormonal imbalances is our expertise, our ultimate purpose is to ignite your journey towards personal well-being. At the heart of our philosophy lies the belief in your innate power to achieve your health goals. We provide the tools and support you need to define them, on your own terms. Through comprehensive care that transcends the physical, encompassing your mental and emotional well-being, we collaborate with you to unlock the key to optimal health and holistic wellness.

If you’re interested in learning more about how I can help you, schedule for Free Consultation HERE. You can also become a member of our private Facebook group: Hormone Balancing for Women Experiencing Perimenopause and Menopause.

About Our Coaches

Madison Rhoads

Health Coaching & Career: I am a certified health coach who learned the value of a healthy lifestyle after my husband and I were suffering from infertility for almost 3 years. After going through the wellness program in 2015 and restoring the health of my body and the balance of my hormones, we were able to conceive and give birth naturally. Being amazed at what I had learned, I shifted my career and began coaching others to make the important shift to a healthy lifestyle that leads to the best possible health. I am a certified FDN Practitioner with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Texas A&M University. 

Other facts about me: I live in Houston, Texas, and have been a proud Texan native all my life. I am a mother of two wild and crazy boys who like to keep me on my toes. I love being outside, particularly around a beach and/or water of any type.

Jayme Wempe

Health Coaching & Career: I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach gaining my functional medicine coaching certification through the IFM based Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. My unique approach guides individuals toward optimal health through lifestyle change in a way that is authentic to them. With a background in Birth work, I am well-versed in providing informative support and holding space even through life’s toughest moments. 

Other facts about me: I am a mother of 3 who lives with my children, husband, and 2 dogs in the Wet Mountains of Westcliffe, CO. I enjoy slow mountain town living, staying active, soaking up the sunshine and all that nature has to offer.

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Gut and Coaching services provided
to all. Medical services provided to residents of Kansas.





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